We offer a free open source solution to create forms.

Our forms can be easily integrated into your current IT ecosystem or solution.

We use a data model compatible with FHIR R4 HL7 which enhances great opportunities for smooth integration with any healthcare medical solution based on the HL7 standard.

SurveyBuilder can be used in various domains:

It could be used to conduct surveys at your company, to build customer satisfaction surveys, healthcare questionnaires, for educational purposes, and etc.!



Benefits image
  • Quick and easy process of integration
  • Improve your communication with clients and patients.
  • Change questionnaires according to your needs anytime
  • Сreate questionnaires that meet your needs: Healthcare Opinion Survey, Dental Care Survey, Preanesthetic questionnaire, Patient Satisfaction Survey, Employee Survey, Job Satisfaction Survey and you name it.


Totally free
SurveyBuilder is completely free for use.
Components were designed in the Bootstrap style, so you can easily add bootstrap themes to change the UI look.
We do not store data, we provide you with a tool for designing forms. You can connect any database or data storage according to your business needs. Also you may use any FHIR R4 service without any pain of integration.
Ongoing support and development
We are interested in continuous improvement and development of new features.
Our form constructor can be used in various domains.
FHIR R4 support
Our models are fully compatible with the FHIR R4 standard.
Developed by experts for experts
We have expertise in a wide range of domains and have successfully completed numerous projects in Healthcare, Finance, Insurance, and other spheres.


Survey Builder is distributed under
Apache License 2.0 open source license.

Need help?

We may help you to integrate SurveyBuilder and customize it according to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us.